We are so excited to announce to you All Nations Virtual Church! You have heard of Online Church Experience, but this is totally different. How is that? Watching a streaming service has many problems with it. The biggest problem is the lack of interaction and human relationship, "Personal Ministry". You can log on in your pajamas, eat cereal and spend half the service on your FB or napping on the couch.
But with a virtual service you put your clothes "ON", turn your camera "ON" and interact live with hands lifted up, worshiping and getting prayer, greeting your church family, fellowshipping and having the opportunity to have communion, give to the Lord and get personal prayer and prophecy as the Spirit leads.
The best part about All Nations Virtual Church is that you have OPPORTUNITIES for growth and discipleship. You can be a part of building a physical church in your city. Whether you want to become a Pastor or just make a difference in the background, when you invite people you get closer to reaching an exciting metric towards church building. When your city has 15 in regular attendance with you, your group qualifies to launch an in person "Bible Study Group"! We will train and equip your group to be Bible Study Leaders. When they double to 30 regular attendees, your city graduates from being a "Bible Study Group" to becoming an impactful "Ministry". We will personally train and license your leaders there.
Finally once you hit 45 members in your city, we will Ordain Pastors from within your Ministry and launch an All Nations International Fellowship branch for you. Whether you are in Lagos Nigeria, Ho Chi Min City Vietnam or Omaha Nebraska you can be a significant part of brining an on fire Apostolic church to your city all starting from the comfort of your own home with All Nations Virtual Church.
0-15 VC Only (Virtual Church)
15-30 VC & Bible Study Group
30-45 VC & Ministry
45+ Local Church

How to Log
in for Our
Thursday Nights
Bishop Castillo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: All Nations Virtual Church
Time: 8:00pm Thursdays
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 8756 4528
Passcode: 12345678
Call in
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+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 857 8756 4528
Passcode: 12345678
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcDW1BLJTH