H.I.R.C. is lead by Bishop Joseph Castillo founder of All Nations International Fellowship.
Affiliated with Revival Ministries International and part of the Ministerial Alliance under its distinguished founder Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne.
H.I.R.C. is a branch of All Nations International Fellowship which has churches and affiliates in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Mongolia.

H.I.R.C. is a multicultural fellowship that worships God with all our heart mind and soul and strength.
Our services aim to create an atmosphere conducive for people to experience God in a living way. My favorite feedback is always "wow, I actually see the things in the bible happening here!"
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, thats why we expect to see healings, salvation, deliverance and miracles as the gospel is proclaimed.

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Bishop Castillo was introduced to Christ by Evangelical missionaries from who came from Mexico while at the Eau Claire Academy for troubled teens. He was shortly thereafter by Dr Patricia Bailey who was T.L. Osbourne's spiritual daughter in world missions while attending Dr. Bill Winstons Church in Forest Park, IL.
This became the ground work and remains at the heart of everything we do. Our core mission to win non Christian nations to Christ on a large scale. The focus is mainly in nations where the populations is 90% or more heathen religion/communist.
Called off to Bible school under Rod Parsley and ordained as an Apostle by Frank Sumrall I inherited an apostolic mantle for missions.
It can be summed up as simple as this "you're either a missionary or a mission field".
New location & Times
First Sunday in May
I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Starting from the first Sunday in May, we will be moving to our own offices and place of worship in the vibrant West Chase community.
Our new worship times will be as follows:
Sundays at 10:30am
We can't wait to welcome you to our new location at:
3883 Westmart Dr. Suite 230
Houston, TX 77042
Our Vision: We are dedicated to intersecting with the lives of people, aiming to liberate them from demonic entanglements and alter their destinies towards Gods divine plan of redemption. Our focus extends beyond mere intervention; we are committed to training families to become disciples, leading others into the same freedom found in the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Offering strength and support to the vision of All Nations International Fellowship for the purpose of seeing the unreached nations shaken with the fires of revival and establishing believers in a Holy Ghost filled community that is multi ethic and multi generational.